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BCAA With B6 & B12 Tablets
180 tabletter | Til muskelopbygning & restitution

185 kr.


BCAA With B6 & B12 Tablets

180 tabletter | Til muskelopbygning & restitution

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Største Fordele

  • BCAA in the ideal ratio of 2:1:1 for optimal results
  • >Rich vegan source of protein & essential amino acids
  • >Enriched with vitamins B6 & B12 for added benefits
  • >No GMOs & Magnesium stearate - No known side effects


  • >Designed to elevate athletic performance
  • >Supports muscle building & energy replenishment
  • >Ideal for post-workout recovery
  • >Assists in achieving your weight management goal






What Are Our BCAA Tablets?

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) is the term given to the microcellular components that form proteins in our body. BCAA supplements are among the most popular muscle gainers, as they feed our bodies with a bountiful number of amino acids. Once taken in, they can be used to create muscle protein, providing the building materials with which our body can build and repair muscle.

We need BCAAs

There are twenty individual BCAAs and eight of them are essential, which means that our body is incapable of making them on its own, meaning the only way to get them is through diet or amino acid supplements. Our BCAA Tablets with B6 contain three of the all-important eight.

Three key reasons for taking instant BCAA with B6?

Three of the essential eight One of the reasons why our BCAA tablets with vitamin B6 are so promising as a workout supplement is because they contain three of the essential amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine), all three of which are regarded as among the best amino acids to on focus on for the purpose of making changes to your physique. These three are common in the more high-quality protein-abundant meat sources like lean red meat and salmon.

Builds muscle

Instant BCAA with B6 is an amino acid formula that has been custom-designed to complement the process by which you gain and tone muscle. Amino acids are the building blocks that your body uses for muscle growth and repair, and our BCAA tablets with B6 are teeming with them. Having a higher daily intake of these elements gives your body more building material to use when it comes to the day-to-day management of your muscles.

Tackle fatigue

Alongside this supplement’s potent amino acid complex, there lies a rich supply of vitamin B6. This vitamin has a wealth of useful benefits for the body. Most notably, it is known to contribute to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue, and it also contributes to protein metabolism, making it a real asset to have on board when you are trying to stay alert, exercise and carry out a healthy lifestyle.

What Are Our BCAA Tablets?

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) is the term given to the microcellular components that form proteins in our body. BCAA supplements are among the most popular muscle gainers, as they feed our bodies with a bountiful number of amino acids. Once taken in, they can be used to create muscle protein, providing the building materials with which our body can build and repair muscle.

We need BCAAs

There are twenty individual BCAAs and eight of them are essential, which means that our body is incapable of making them on its own, meaning the only way to get them is through diet or through amino acid supplements supplements. Our BCAA Tablets with B6 contain three of the all-important eight.

Three key reasons for taking instant BCAA with B6?

Three of the essential eight

One of the reasons why our BCAA tablets with vitamin B6 are so promising as a workout supplement is because they contain three of the essential amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine), all three of which are regarded as among the best amino acids to on focus on for the purpose of making changes to your physique. These three are common in the more high-quality protein-abundant meat sources like lean red meat and salmon.

Builds muscle

Instant BCAA with B6 is an amino acid formula that has been custom-designed to complement the process by which you gain and tone muscle. Amino acids are the building blocks that your body uses for muscle growth and repair, and our BCAA tablets with B6 are teeming with them. Having a higher daily intake of these elements gives your body more building material to use when it comes to the day-to-day management of your muscles.

Tackle fatigue

Alongside this supplement’s potent amino acid complex, there lies a rich supply of vitamin b6. This vitamin has a wealth of useful benefits for the body. Most notably, it is known to contribute to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue, and it also contributes to protein metabolism, making it a real asset to have on board when you are trying to stay alert, exercise and carry out a healthy lifestyle.
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Mest nyttige anmeldelser

Jimmi N J


Bekræftet køb

Super produkt. Mærker mere styrke til min daglige cykeltur. Heller ingen problemer med maven som jeg ellers har haft med andre proteinprodukter. Klar anbefaling herfra.

Mikael A M


Bekræftet køb


Michelle M


Bekræftet køb

Elsker virkelig dette produkt ✨?? føler jeg er mere udholdende end jeg plejer at være ✨??

Gitta G


Bekræftet køb

Et virksomt produkt, og så rent.

Alma A


Bekræftet køb

De er blevet en uundværlig del af min fitness-rutine!

Sarah S


Bekræftet køb

Jeg købte dem til min kæreste i fødselsdagsgave, og hans muskler vokser hurtigere!

Marlee M


Bekræftet køb

Så nemme at tage

Andy A


Bekræftet køb

Disse tabletter er nemme at tage og er gode til hvad de siger, de gør. Jeg ville bruge igen.

Hiranka H


Bekræftet køb

Meget lette at tage, og de har ikke rigtig en smag

Brandon B


Bekræftet køb

Lette at tage, og jeg kan godt lide, at de indeholder de 3 vigtigste aminosyrer.

Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål

Ja, BCAA er en betegnelse for de forgrenede aminosyrer leucin, isoleucin og valin.
Ja, kroppen bruger forgrenede aminosyrer i proteinsyntesen til at danne enzymer, hormoner og nyt væv, og der dermed perfekt til både muskelopbygning og restitution efter træning.
BCAA er velgenet til at bidrage til muskelopbygning og restitution efter en træning. Så hvis du træner meget, og gerne vil undgå endnu et pulvertilskud, er BCAA-tabletter det perfekte valg til dig.
Vi anbefaler, at du tager 2 tabletter om dagen sammen med et stort glas vand. Bør tages direkte efter træning eller før, da det bidrager til restitution.
I henhold til vores Tilfredshedsgaranti anbefaler vi, at du tager tilskuddet dagligt i minimum 3 måneder.
Tilskuddet er lavet af naturlige ingredienser, og har ingen kendte bivirkninger. Vi anbefaler dog, at du gennemlæser ingredienslisten for at tjekke for eventuelle personlige allergier.
Hvis du er gravid, ammer, tager medicin eller er under medicinsk udredning, bør du rådføre med egen læge før brug. Er ikke velegnet til børn og unge under 18 år.

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